Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pokemon Origins: A Fan Theory

Before I post another piece of artwork here, I have to flash back to the Pokemon blog. Like I said, I like Pokemon, but recently I noticed that a lot of things about the universe of this franchise go completely unexplained. For example, where did Pokemon come from in the first place? Why is it okay in this universe to use them for what's basically legalized cock-fighting, especially given that they're (for the most part) portrayed as sentient creatures? And how in the world did they figure out that they could convert matter into energy and back, and yet only use such technology to capture Pokemon?
I'll bet that there are a ton of fan theories out there concerning this, but might I submit my own?

Thousands of years before the events of the main series, humanity had reached the pinnacle of technological advancement, but the world was wracked with war, with different nations utilizing devastating weapons against each other (we'll assume that this is an era where the nuclear bomb was wiped out, though). Desperate to gain an edge, one nation turned to genetic engineering, and created beasts capable of utilizing elemental powers against their enemies, as well as transform into more powerful forms: the Pokemon. To control the otherwise destructive creatures, the Poke' Ball was developed as a means of quickly transporting these living weapons to the battlefield. The Pokemon were given to elite classes of soldiers who could train the Pokemon to battling perfection, then unleash them on their enemies. Over time, more and more powerful Pokemon were developed, until the Pokemon that would forever after be known as 'Legendaries' were born. However, for all their advancement, the engineers lost control over the Legendaries, who went and wreaked havoc over the entire planet, reshaping entire continents and nearly wiping out the human race, destroying the great civilization that created them. While the Legendaries eventually tired out and retreated to enjoy a rest to last several millenniums, their far weaker counterparts began to run wild. Humanity, meanwhile, was reduced to tribal status. It would take them thousands of years to rediscover some of the technology of their ancestors, and in the meantime, they learned not just to survive a world with super-powered creatures, but also to develop lasting bonds with them not through capturing them against their will, but instead through a sort of spirit quest where a , even going as far as to worship the Legendaries, granting them mythic status even as the past was forgotten. The Pokemons' fighting instinct was put to great advantage, at first as a means of protection against wild Pokemon and bandits, but eventually in small competitive battles that substituted for inter-tribal battles, which eventually became the modern Pokemon battle. It was found that great power and skill could be found when a trainer treated his/her Pokemon with genuine kindness and love, rather than cruelty and abuse.
And thus, we have our Pokemon world.

Again, just a fan theory, but what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I like this theory. It sounds like it could be plausible. I would definitely like a story arc that goes into the history of that world.
